Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm a big brother now!

Hey everyone! My baby brother Tristan was born on Monday, August 3, 2009 at 5:53 pm. He was 8 lbs 5 oz and 20.5 inches long. I think he's very interesting and I love holding him! Tristan has his own blog -

Monday, July 13, 2009

2 Year Appointment

Last week Ben (finally) had his 2 year check up. He's 37" tall (more than the 90th percentile for his age) and weighs 32.6 lbs (90th percentile). He's developing well and Neil and I were impressed with the new doctor down here. The "office" is basically a mini clinic. They have 2 waiting rooms - sick child and well child. They have people there after hours and someone on call 24/7. The doctor also told us they do stitches and most broken bones right there - I'm sure with 2 boys I'll end up with one of those eventually...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Zoo!

So Hogle Zoo had military appreciation days July 1-3, so we decided to go yesterday. Ben was so funny with this statue - he must have thought it was real or something... I finally got him to come over and pet them, but I just couldn't resist.... :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm a big brother!

Ben is excited to tell everyone he'll be a big brother soon! The ultrasound tech was very kind to draw an arrow between the legs to point out the important part! ;)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Now I know my ABC's...

Don't even ask me how he figured out all these letters... My best guess - he really likes playing with his fridge phonics set (when you put in a letter, like B, it sings "B says buh, B says buh, every letter makes a sound, B says buh.")
One day we realized he knew a couple letters (W??, O, and T). Over the next week, we found out he knew almost every single one. V and Y were confusing sometimes. Well now he knows all of them. By the way, when we did letter Z, what he says (Zoobaza) is Zebra. He'd been watching Rusty and Rosy and they say Z is for Zebra!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

More Snow Fun

Ben thought it was super cool to go out and play in the snow again. Our neighbor across the street was using his snow blower, which Ben was a little unsure of, but he got used to the noise.
I got a couple videos of him and I was watching them to see which was the best, the one to put on the blog. It was definitely the one below, but the best part about this video was that Ben came to watch it with me and he thought it was so funny when he was waving his arms around, and especially funny when he threw the snowball at me... I don't know why it made him giggle so much to watch himself (if he even knew it was himself)!

Mmmm.... diaper rash cream....

Ben's usually really good about not putting things in his mouth that don't belong. I was working on the computer when I heard him whining a little bit - I looked over and saw he'd found some diaper rash cream and had a big glob on his pants. I thought that was why he was upset. Turns out he was whining because he wasn't particularly fond of the taste... Having no idea how much he'd eaten and reading "if ingested, call poison control" I found the number. The lady on the other end assured me that even if he ate more than I thought, he'd be okay. It was actually kind of funny when I think that he was upset that it tasted so terrible, yet he was still licking it off his fingers when I came over. And in case you think I'm a terrible parent for taking a picture before taking care of my son, I didn't actually realize he'd eaten any until I took the picture and noticed some on his fingers...