Monday, July 13, 2009

2 Year Appointment

Last week Ben (finally) had his 2 year check up. He's 37" tall (more than the 90th percentile for his age) and weighs 32.6 lbs (90th percentile). He's developing well and Neil and I were impressed with the new doctor down here. The "office" is basically a mini clinic. They have 2 waiting rooms - sick child and well child. They have people there after hours and someone on call 24/7. The doctor also told us they do stitches and most broken bones right there - I'm sure with 2 boys I'll end up with one of those eventually...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Zoo!

So Hogle Zoo had military appreciation days July 1-3, so we decided to go yesterday. Ben was so funny with this statue - he must have thought it was real or something... I finally got him to come over and pet them, but I just couldn't resist.... :)